Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring for FANCY!

     With the warm weather creeping up on us who doesn't want to put away all those sweaters and long pants, giving our legs and arms a chance be free! The spring time is a wonderful time to clean out the closets and go shopping! A new, pretty spring dress will help lift your spirits and have you thinking of the beautiful weather waiting just around the corner!
     A fancy dress can be simple, understated, frilly or feminine! What ever your mood or personality call for . its all up to you! As long as it's tasteful and not to over the top. Look at our perfectly fancy and tasteful  future princess Kate. She knows how to do fancy, while giving  it her own personality!
     So go on out an SPRING for a fancy new dress!

                                                    Soon to be Princess Kate in a gorgeous dress

                                                         floral dress from anthropologie

                                                         banana republic
                                                       Lily Pulitzer  always has cheerful dresses!