Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Royal Weddings

With all of the talk of the imminent royal wedding going on in the media, I have become quite fascinated with them.  I love the tradition and class.  The brides always look classy, their dresses are always elegant and tasteful.  I know I will be up watching the wedding come April 29th!  I have a feeling that Kate's dress will be perfect for the occasion and will influence bridal wear for years. Weddings, especially royal weddings, are uplifting and moral-boosting.   Here are a few pictures from some of the more recent royal weddings.
                                                                Princess Diana and Prince Charles
                                                           Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip
                                                    Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones
                                                     Prince Andrew and Fergie
                                                     Princess Diana entering St. Paul's Cathedral
                                       American Royalty-Jacqueline Bouvier and John F. Kennedy
                                            Monique Lhuillier's sketch for Kate Middleton's dress

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kate Middleton- Modern Day Fancy

In today's world, many people don't feel the need to be fancy, they just don't see it as a priority.  Kate Middleton is the perfect example of a modern-day woman. She is the perfect blend of fancy with the ever present touch of class.  Kate always dresses with elegance and style and presents herself with dignity.  She is the perfect blend of a modern day woman with old-fashioned values and grace.  She will make a wonderful princess! I can't wait to see the royal wedding!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fancy on a Budget

     If you are struggling in these tight economic times like many of us, it doesn't mean you have to forgo fancy. Want to get together with a few of your friends ,but can't afford an expensive night out? Have your friends over, get some inexpensive wine,  some cheese and crackers and fruit and serve it on your nicest dishes. Ask your friends to bring the dessert, use cloth napkins if you have them, light some candles and enjoy each others company. You can take your time and not have to worry about snooty waiters wanting you out so they can seat the next group. Here is an easy to make, but still  fancy recipe, courtesy of Paula Deen!  

Monday, November 1, 2010

Role Model for Fancy

Jackie-O was stylish, sophisticated and of course...FANCY! 
Jackie O is my role model for fanciness. 
Her style and manners will always remain timeless. Her style 
will never fade and thats probably why I love AnnTaylor. They are 
sophisticated and fancy with a modern twist. check out thier 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

College Fancy

Looking around a college campus you may notice that many students don't seem to make being fancy a priority.  Alot of people will wear sweats to class everyday, and many of them seem to have left their manners at home. Snapping gum and spitting are common. Try to be fancy by dressing nice everyday.  If you are dressed to impress, you will feel better about yourself than if you are wearing sweatpants.  Its hard to be fancy with the hectic schedule of a college student, but you can keep it fancy by being polite and courteous to people.  Being clean is also important! as well as keeping your dorm room neat. By making these small changes people will see you in a different way. How you present yourself shows how you feel about yourself. You don't need to do much to be fancy in college, but when you do make the effort, you feel much better about yourself!

Senior Fancy

     I see an assortment of people daily and I find that senior citizens seem to know what fancy is. They may not realize it, but when they get up in the morning and put on clean, unwrinkled cloths, their nice shoes, matching accessories and care about their appearance that is exactly what they are doing. The older gentleman who takes time to polish his shoes and put on a jacket, or the older woman who has the pretty scarf and matching pocketbook and shoes, that may have gone out of style to us, but they come from a time when it mattered what you looked like when you stepped outside the house. No sweat pants, wrinkled t-shirts and sneakers. It is unfortunate that we have lost sight of the importance of how you look to others on a daily basis. So put on that nice sweater and pearls, even if you are just running errands. It will make you feel fancy!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

What is Fancy?

    The way you feel about yourself, how you present yourself and your behavior.  It isn't about money or status, it comes from inside and can make you feel good about yourself.